Tactica Sports is a full-service sport marketing agency with its headquarters in Barcelona, that offers a dedicated service to companies in the field of sport. Our staff are passionate about sports and strongly believe SPORT is the best mèdium/tool for companies to promote their products and services and network with their most valuable clients.

Sport creates a sense of shared purpose. When a company invests in sport marketing it also invests in important ideals such as passion, unity, success, effort, resilience…

Since our foundation in 2010, Tactica Sports has been active in working closely with the main clubs and events and in finding the best “ sport solution” for clients in order to enhance their corporate brand.

Our portfolio of services go in 3 big directions:

  • Bespoke VIP Hospitality packages
  • Sponsorship opportunities
  • Advertising/ Media rights in the main sporting venues

Bespoke VIP Hospitality packages

Tactica Sports provides top end of the market packages giving our clients the opportunity to access to the most prestigious sporting events in a stylish way. Covering an average of a hundred events every year in all continents, we are able to offer the best VIP Experiences and packages to the most sought events.

Benefits of VIP corporate hospitality:

  • Attending a unique sporting event creates lasting memories in your clients
  • Networking opportunities in a relaxed environament
    Sharing a passion with your business partners/clients
  • Opportunity to create new business though informal meetings/encounters/situations

Bonding with customers, launching new products or motivating your top staff are always good excuses to attend a memorable sporting event…

Sponsorship opportunities

Tactica Sports offers clients the chance to sponsor events and clubs, enabling companies to be linked with a targeted audience. Sport sponsorship is the gateway for many brands to the world of sport and has become nowadays a truly 360º marketing tool. Based on our industry expertise but also on your budget, preferred geographical area or even company´s philosophy we identify the best club and sponsorship option for you to partner with.

Benefits of investing in sport sponsorship:

  • Generates exposure in front of a large audience
  • Your company´s image partners with a leading sporting institution
  • Your brand is Connected with the club/event fan base
  • Brand awareness through digital and print coverage
  • When partnering with a club through an sponsorship package, a wide range of brand activation options become available for you
  • Opportunities to enhance your brand into new geographical areas

Sponsoring a club or just an event enables your brand to build an emotional link with a significant group of consumers…

Advertising in sporting events

Tactica Sports together with some of the main commercial media right holders offers companies the opportunity to advertise in the main championships and sporting venues. Engaging brands with relevant digital properties during the greatest sporting events ensures companies to connect with milions of fans.

Benefits of investing in LED advertising in sporting events:

  • Connect with a worldwide audience
  • Virtual advertising allows you to segment and target your aimed geographical region
  • Most cost effective tool to be linked to the sport world
  • Brand alignment with the most relevant sporting events and teams

Advertising in an sporting event allows companies to create brand awareness in front of thousands of potential consumers…